Electronic Pay Ballot

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For all Unison Scottish Health Care Members.

For all members who have an e mail registered on the Unison membership system, from April 15th you will receive an electronic ballot, to allow you to cast your vote on the current pay offer. All information on the pay offer, being updated constantly, is contained within the dedicated webpage that can be accessed by following this link: https://www.unison-scotland.org/statement-on-nhs-scotland-pay-negotiations-2/

Vitally important, is this page will include a link once the ballot opens, for all those members who do not have an e mail registered and therefore will not receive an e ballot! Following the link will enable those members to cast their vote using their membership number. If you have forgotten your membership number, the branch can advise you of this by e mailing shcb@btconnect.com

There is also a joining link on the webpage to register for an online pay rally taking place on Tuesday 13th April at 6pm, prior to the ballot opening on the 15th.

Unison will be making a recommendation to either accept or reject the pay offer, and this will be announced on Sunday 11th April

Kind Regards


Tam Hiddleston

Branch Secretary

Scottish Health Care Branch



Lighthouse Financial Advice for Unison Members


NHS Pay Q&A Livestream