UNISON Demands NHS Pay Talks

Following on from recent communications with regards pay, and particularly with all the mixed messages being aired in the press and social media in the past week, Unison Scottish Health Committee met this week, and we decided that we needed to urgently communicate with members to outline the facts, and to advise on the pay campaign we have now launched.

You will recall from previous communications from our branch, that this is about the current pay deal and the re-opener clause in the final year, that was agreed when we entered into the 2018 three year pay deal, which the Scottish Government has refused to re-open.

This is not about the 2021 pay deal that Unison and the other Health Trade Unions are still to decide what we will be requesting on behalf of members. Also, this is not in relation to any form of payment being requested as part of the extensive hard work carried out by members throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic.

It is also important to note that Unison are the only trade union/professional organisation in Scotland that continues to push for the clause to be re-opened, and will continue to do so.

In a recent survey of Unison Scotland health members, 87% of those that responded made it quite clear they feel their should be a further pay award this year in line with the re-opener clause. That strength of feeling by members made it clear that the Health Committee would take on board the feelings and enter into a campaign around pay this year.

Therefore, please follow the link below that will take you to Unison Scotland webpage, where all the relevant information for members can be viewed, including an e brief and a video message from Unison Scotland Head of Health Willie Duffy.

All the information should be self-explanatory, but please feel free to e mail branch secretart Tam Hiddleston at shcb@btconnect.com with any queries.


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