Public Health Scotland Stewards
Board Clinical and Protecting Health
🦺 Theresa King Theresa.King@phs.scot 07500 226 077
Data and Digital Innovation
Kat Reid kat.reid@phs.scot
Place and Wellbeing
🦺 Stephen Maclean stephen.maclean@phs.scot 07790 912 342
Anne Ramsay Anne.Ramsay2@phs.scot 07811 713 901
Strategy, Governance and Performance
Michael Craig michael.craig@phs.scot 07717 513 622
Karen Donnelly Karen.Donnelly2@phs.scot 07500 854 555
Irene Hamilton irene.hamilton1@phs.scot 07805 848 736
🦺 Teresa Mcdowall teresa.mcdowall@phs.scot 07976 705 275
Liam Slaven liam.slaven@phs.scot
Aidan Morrison aidan.morrison@phs.scot
Janet Hunter janet.hunter1@phs.scot
Sue Wakely sue.wakely@phs.scot
🦺 = Health and Safety Rep